Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Peace On Earth -- Goodwill Towards Man



This is it.

     I hope that everyone had a great Christmas.

      Now that Christmas is past it is time to stop posting
      here.  I feel kind of down about it.  I only started this
      journal because Tammy threatened my life if I didn't.
      However after the first couple of entries I really got
      into it and was having fun.  I imagine there is enough
      holiday stuff on the web that I could keep going all
      year round, but I won't.  It wouldn't be a special
      place to visit if I did.

      I plan on leaving this journal here.  No more entries
     (well one and I will tell you about that in a minute)
     but I hope you will feel free to drop by anytime 
     you need something funny or just a little lift.

     **A link to every entry is in the columns to the left. 
    That's right you don't have to go hunting through
    the archives to find something or to find a
    starting place.  The links are listed from the
    oldest to the newest.

      Like I said this is to be the last entry here.  But then
      I got the most fantastic graphic in the email and I
     knew that it had to be the last entry here.  It has
     to be in an entry on top where everyone will
    see it.   I didn't make it, but I love the sentiment. 
    Hope you will too.

      Don't forget to keep coming by my main journal:
      One Summer's Day  As I dohave something
     "up my sleeve" that should be happening soon!

     Remember to tell those you love that you love
     them.  Tell them everyday as tomorrow isn't
     promised to us.

     Hugs to you all.  Even to the person that said I would
     be getting nothing but a houseful of coal from Santa
     because of some of the entries in this journal!  LOL

     **well I ran out of room in the side columns so the last
     few entries aren't over there.  But since they are still
     on the top page here I'm guessing you will be able
     to find them easy enough!  LOL


Monday, December 25, 2006

Merry Christmas

             sophie's on the left and that's maggie on the right

       The "girls" and I want to wish everyone a Very
       Merry Christmas.  Wherever you are and
       however you are spending the day we hope
       you have a safe, happy,
       warm day spent with friends or family.

       Don't forget the reason for the season.  God loves
       us so very much that he sent his son to earth.   And
       His name is Jesus.

      To read the Christmas story go here:  The Christmas Story

                thanks nightmare mom for the above graphic



    Tags:  merry christmas, the girls, christmas story


Sunday, December 24, 2006

A Christmas Poem

The following poem was written by "Bornfool" and can be found in his blog entry over here:  BORNFOOL: Potpourri  Please drop by and let him know if you liked his poem.

Twas the night before Christmas
And all ‘round the Pen,
In their cells rested
Eight hundred-sixty odd men.

Seg. inmates in yellow,
Protective Custody in green,
Death Row wearing red
So they could be seen.

And I was disgruntled
Having to work on this night.
With my family at home,
It just didn’t seem right.

My post was Ten Wall Stand.
Worse places I could be
Than sixty feet in the air,
Just lots of weapons and me.

My job was to watch
All the area within
Hoping no inmate I saw
Until breakfast begin.

I sat back in my chair,
Checked my eyelids for cracks.
Too soon I was snoring.
My security, lax.

When all of a sudden
There arose such a clatter.
I wiped sleep from my eyes
To see what was the matter.

Stumbling to the window,
I looked out with dread.
The first thing I saw
Was a fat man in red.

An inmate’s escaping!
He must be Death Row!
I reached for the shotgun
Or a gas grenade to throw.

My heart filled with panic,
My nerves all a tingle.
Just then I realized
It’s only Kris Kringle!

It was then that I noticed
The eight reindeer and sleigh
Were caught in the razor wire
And couldn’t get away.

I thought and I pondered
What course I should take.
My post orders were clueless
On what decision to make.

When what to my wondering eyes
Should appear?
The Goon Squad marching toward him
In full riot gear.

The Goon Squad don’t play.
They’re a serious bunch.
This could be all for the Fat man
Was my very strong hunch.

They surrounded poor Santa,
Riot batons at the ready.
I threw open my window
Yelling, “Men, hold steady!”

“He’s not a death row inmate,
Though he is dressed in red.
He’s Santa, you numbskulls!
See his reindeer and sled?”

The Goon Squad didn’t listen.
They ignored me completely.
With their nightsticks they beat him,
And not very discreetly.

They cuffed him and stuffed him
Into one of his sacks
And packed him to the nut walk
By the strength of their backs.

They thoroughly searched him
Then threw him in a cell.
Not a good night for Santa
The Squad sure rang his bell.

So if Christmas morning
Less presents you see,
It’s only ‘cause Santa
Has not been set free.

The dear name of Santa
I no more will besmirch.
I won’t even mention
The body cavity search.

Merry Christmas to all,
Peace on Earth, good will to men.
Santa will see you
In a mere five to ten.

How to get on Santa's Naughty List

      I was going to "borrow" parts of this entry from 
     another site, but have decided instead to
     just send you over to the place. 
     You will love it.  Santa hates it.


YesButNoButYes: Dissing Santa***

           DON'T SAY YOU WEREN'T WARNED!!!  

Saturday, December 23, 2006

100 Things about Santa

   100 Things About Me -- From Santa's

copied from: Santa's 2006 Holiday Blog: 100 Things About Me

100. I am known by many names - Kris Kringle, Father Christmas, St. Nicholas, St. Nick, etc.
99. I live at the North Pole
98. I am Norwegian
97. My favorite food is Pizza
96. My favorite dessert is Ice Cream
95. My favorite marathon is the Boston Marathon
94. I love football
93. I am deeply in love with my wife, Mrs. Claus
92. I vacation in Hawaii every "off-season"
91. I secretly wish I could be on Survivor (It just wouldn't be fair for me to be on Amazing Race) 90. My annual salary, bonus, and other compensation is zero dollars. This is volunteer work.
89. I sneak away from my security detail to participate in extreme sports.
88. I once bowled a 300 game.
87. I once shot a 72... on 9 holes. I am not much of a golfer.
86. I love Starbucks Christmas blend.
85. I have a fear of flying... commercially. Not via reindeer.
84. I do almost all the cooking for Mrs. Claus and myself January through October.
83. If I were to have a second job, I would want to be a school teacher.
82. My father was a king.
81. I speak 11 languages and am learning a 12th. I use a translator for all other languages.
80. I play the piano
79. I paint. Oils... no water color.
78. I have had dinner with every American President.
77. I refuse to celebrate my birthday. I'd just rather not think about it.
76. I am very shy.
75. I dabble in day trading.
74. I do not have a drivers' license.
73. I bristle at political correctness. Why can we not just be ourselves and respect each other for who we are rather than putting up a facade?
72. I have lived in three different countries.
71. My favorite color is not red. It is blue.
70. I have a horse named "Trigger".
69. I have a dog - a German Shepard - named Joe.
68. I read every single name on the naughty list.
67. I just quickly skim the nice list.
66. I lip-sync when I am out caroling or singing in the choir. I can't sing and I don't want anyone to hear how poorly I sing.
65. I am still a rookie blogger. I just started last season.
64. I realize, working my way back from 100 to 1, that thinking of 100 things to tell people about my self is actually quite challenging.
63. I will record and watch all the college football bowl games. I record them to DVD and can watch them on the sleigh whileI'm in transit.
62. I hada broken arm on Christmas Eve 2005. First serious accident ever. Happened in a chimneyin Hopkinton.
61. My birthday is December 25th. What a coincidence, eh?
60. My PR in the marathon is a few seconds over 2 hours 58 minutes.
59. I always round down on my training & race times.
58. I always round up on my training distances.
57. Typical weight gain for me on Christmas Eve is 51 pounds. All the cookies, egg nog, etc.
56. Typical weight loss in January is 28 pounds. I lose the rest in February.
55. My current weight is 245 (I also round down to the the nearest "5" on weight).
54. I'm considering starting a podcast for next year.
53. Despite have appeared on virtually every morning and late night talk show, I have never been invited to be on the Oprah Winfrey Show.
52. Even in the off-season, I only sleep 4-6 hours a night.
51. I fly over North Korea every year without airspace consent. What are they going to do?
50. I am a chef. Cooking is one of my great passions.
49. I live and work at the North Pole in order to maintain security and privacy.
48. I honestly do not know why I was chosen to have the powers of Santa Claus bestowed upon me. I don't ask. I'm just grateful.
47. I married a woman 10 years younger than me.
46. My favorite new TV show this season is Friday Night Lights.
45. I eat yogurt 3x a day. Love the stuff.
44. I joined a fantasy football league this year. Only because some of the elves talked me into. It's fun but I don't think I'm going to sign up again.
43. My favorite soccer team? Toss up between Man Utd and PSV Eindhoven
42. My favorite soccer player? Ronaldinho
41. I start everyday with a cup of coffee.
40. My standard coffee drink? Starbucks Venti Non-fat Almond Latte
39. My best Christmas ever... 1965. Can't top it.
38. I really would like a set of decent ear plugs for my Nano. Such a great, innovative product and lousy earplugs.
37. It's a Christmas Tree. Not a Holiday Tree. I'm not (a) offended by your holiday symbols nor am I (b) attempting to take over your holiday symbols. Please leave mine alone. It's a matter of respect.
36. I have daily subscriptions to 73 newspapers representing 52 nations on 6 continents.
35. My favorite Christmas tradition? Chimney diving. Ok, ok... besides Chimney diving? Mrs. Claus' ginger bread cookies.
34. My favorite Christmas carol is "Silent Night, Holy Night".
33. A favorite Christmas song that I might not readily admit to a five year old... "Grandma got ran over bya reindeer..."
32. My Nike+ powersong is "Boulevard of Broken Dreams" by Green Day
31. I have done a fair amount of post-graduate work. I have a Masters of Business Administration as well as a Masters in SupplyChain Studies
30. My undergraduate degree, which I received well into my old age (and at a European University that will not be named), is in Theology
29. I am a Dallas Cowboys fan. And before you ask... yes, Terrell Owens is on the naughty list.
28. Mrs. Claus & I do not have children of our own.
27. I have three sisters and two brothers. I am the oldest child.
26. Blitzen is my favorite reindeer.
25. Jingle is my best friend (not including Mrs. Claus, of course).
24. Rosie O'Donnell really annoys me.
23. I have been stuck in a chimney. More times than I care to admit. Blitzen carries retrieval equipment in the sleigh.
22. Despite all the myths, I do not possess any supernatural powers. I'm just an average guy. I don't know why I have lived so long. From the aches & pains I feel most mornings when I get out of bed, I'm pretty sure my body is not immortal, even if my spirit is....
21. I have been known to slip in a quick nap or two along my Christmas Eve journey. I just catch few winks on the couch closest to the tree.
20. I have every house scouted for hidden video cameras before I enter. Don't even think about trying to catch me on film.
19. I work-out every day. Weights, running, and/or ab work. I have to stay in shape (I know... it doesn't look like it...) in order to maintain the pace.
18. Yes.. I do stop in every country. So far, there's at least 1 person in each country that believes in Santa.
17. I think TiVo is the greatest invention ever.
16. I despise gift cards. Very impersonal. I'll give 'em if that's what you want, but....
15. I sign every letter that I send out to children.
14. As much as I love & leverage technology, I still prefer to send a handwritten letter when possible.
13. 13 is my favorite number. Not my lucky number... I don't believe in luck. Good or bad.
12. My favorite gift to give.... it's a three-way tie... first train set, first doll, and first bike. No other gifts truly excite kids like those three gifts do.
11. I still make a few toys each year. Only about a 100. Look for my signature to see if you receive one of the 100 that I personally made.
10. Thanks to my intelligence team, I know many of history's deepest secrets. Unfortunately, I'm not allowed to share them as such a blatant disregard for confidentiality would jeopardize the entire Christmas Eve tradition.
9. I had a tattoo in the 70s. But I had it removed in the 80s.
8. I didn't grow the big white beard until the 1930s.
7. I secretly check my "Q" factor every so often. I shouldn't care but.... well, I do...
6. I snore. At least that's what Mrs. Claus says.
5. I get nervous before I speak publicly.
4. I watch all of the traditinal Christmas specials every year... ranging from classic movies like Holiday Inn to cartoons such as A Peanuts Christmas. I mostly watch them on the sleigh while I'm in transit. Its the only chance I have.
3. I have blue eyes and my hair was light brown before it turned white-gray.
2. It took me almost 2 months to complete a list of 100 things about me. Seriously, who really wants to know that much about Santa?
1. I am Santa Claus

Friday, December 22, 2006

Holiday Etiquette for Dogs

            Holiday Etiquette for Dogs
            **from this web site: Holiday Etiquette for Dogs - Xmas treats and animal christmas jokes

1. Be especially patient with your humans during this time. They may appear to be more stressed-out than usual and they will appreciate long comforting dog leans.

2. They may come home with large bags of things they call gifts. Do not assume that all the gifts are yours.

3. Be tolerant if your humans put decorations on you. They seem to get some special kind of pleasure out of seeing how you look with fake antlers.

4. They may bring a large tree into the house and set it up in a prominent place and cover it with lights and decorations. Bizarre as this may seem to you, it is an important ritual for your humans, so there are some things you need to know:

- - don't pee on the tree
- - don't drink water in the container that holds the tree
- - mind your tail when you are near the tree
- - if there are packages under the tree, even ones that smell interesting or that have your name on them, don't rip them open
- - don't chew on the cord that runs from the funny-looking hole in the wall to the tree

5. Your humans may occasionally invite lots of strangers to come visit during this season. These parties can be lots of fun, but they also call for some discretion on your part:

- - not all strangers appreciate kisses and leans
- - don't eat off the buffet table
- - beg for goodies subtly
- - be pleasant, even if unknowing strangers sit on your sofa
- - don't drink out of glasses that are left within your reach.

6. Likewise, your humans may take you visiting. Here your manners will also be important:

- -observe all the rules in #4 for trees that may be in other people's houses.
- - respect the territory of other animals that may live in the house
- - tolerate children
- - turn on your charm big time.

7. A big man with a white beard and a very loud laugh may emerge from your fireplace in the middle of the night. DON'T BITE HIM!!